KUBE Booking Engine

KUBE offers a seamless booking experience and empowers hotels to drive direct bookings and revenue growth.

kube booking engine advantages

KUBE: top benefits for hotels

Kube overview

KUBE at a glance

Empowering hoteliers with a seamless booking tool.

Kube overview

Enhanced user experience

Standalone booking engine

KUBE is a standalone booking engine on an extra page, providing a seamless booking experience for guests.

Increased conversion rate

KUBE booking engine offers optimized usability and intuitive presentation of booking details, improving user interaction and driving higher conversion rates.

KUBE overview

Easy design & reporting

Personalization options

Hotels can personalize the header, logo, favicon, and dynamic banners seasonally or based on the booking request time, creating a unique experience for guests.

Google Tag Manager integration

Easy use of Google Tag Manager with detailed documentation enables hotels to track and analyze booking data effectively.

Kube overview

Loyalty perks

Integration of loyalty programs

KUBE allows for the integration of customer loyalty programs, enhancing customer retention and engagement.

Perks and packages

Provide extras like parking or champagne, and discounts for early bookings and extended stays, including complimentary stays for children and extra nights at no cost.

Hotel manager overview

Special offers


Create campaigns with voucher codes that reduce the booking value at checkout. This is particularly effective for regular customer programs and newsletters.

Price Drop Alerts

Convince indecisive guests with Price Drop Alert by sending price update notifications. Discounts can be offered based on occupancy to increase bookings.

Kube overview

User-friendly integrations

Flexible payment options

KUBE introduces payment options such as Google Pay and Apple Pay for added convenience.

Integration of TrustYou and European Travel Insurance

Optional integration of TrustYou and European Travel Insurance boosts trust and provides additional value to guests.

KUBE overview

Secure and customizable

Freely selectable URL

You can choose a URL under your own domain for the booking engine, ensuring brand consistency and customer trust.

Secure connection

KUBE offers a secure encrypted connection using a specific SSL certificate, ensuring that guest data is protected.

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