Strong Growth in Transaction Volumes via Seekda

The close of 2022 allows us to take stock of the past 12 months – a very positive balance sheet that we would like to share with you. Of course, a comparison with the two previous years is not particularly accurate given the pandemic situation, therefore we will present the data in percentage terms.

The total volume of transactions increased by 42.6% compared to 2021, a piece of information that may not mean much, but in this context it is worth mentioning that the transaction level in 2021 was the highest in Seekda’s history. The average value of a booking was 32.7% higher than the value of an average booking in 2021.

The industry trends for 2023 so far even indicate a 70% increase in transaction volume through the platform, which is very encouraging and confirms the quality of Seekda’s services and products.

Almost three years after the outbreak of the pandemic, we can also confirm, with due caution, that Seekda’s customers have fully recovered from the difficult economic period by significantly exceeding pre-pandemic sales levels: Average transaction volume through the platform is 45% above 2019 levels.

Good news for customers who have switched to the KUBE, Seekda’s new booking engine: For 25% of Seekda customers with the highest booking volume using the KUBE, the conversion rate on their website is 10%, meaning nearly one in 10 potential guests who access the hotel’s website actually book. A very high rate compared to the other popular booking engines on the market.

Another aspect of fundamental importance is the most successful products and features for increasing revenue in 2022. These are especially valuable for identifying potential for improvement in one’s own hotel and consist of:

  • Meta-channels: The number of bookings made through meta-search increased 55% year-over-year.
  • Dynamic MinLOS, especially using the Window Filler option: On average, enabling this feature resulted in an 8% increase in revenue.
  • Additional Services: Creating additional services to the booking resulted in 12% more bookings on average.
  • On-hold-reservations: The ability to reserve and confirm a booking at a later date is particularly popular with our customers’ guests and resulted in a 5.6% increase in bookings.

Short explanatory videos with practical examples are available for all the functions described above. You can find them directly in Hotel Manager under the menu item Help > Videos & Webinars.

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